HomeGuard Security Screens
Exclusively From First Impression Ironworks

HomeGuard Security Screens are the ultimate solution for providing a safety barrier between you and whoever is on the outside of your front or back door at your home. HomeGuard Security Screens cannot be cut with a knife or other sharp object, nor can it be simply kicked in or pried open.
Your other alarm systems and security cameras will act as a deterrent. But HomeGuard Security Screens are an actual physical barrier that protects your family, your home and your pets from unwanted intrusion.
100% American Made products with powder coated finish on the Stainless Steel Woven Mesh are meant to complement your home’s décor and fit your family’s budget.
Enjoy open-door breezes without compromising your family’s safety. And save on energy costs by giving your air conditioner a break. Ask your First Impression designer for all the details.
HomeGuard Security Screens

What to Learn More?
Schedule a design consultation. Call 800-731-1104 and tell your First Impression Designer that you’re interested in our new HomeGuard Security Screen or click below.