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21 Jun

Stay Safe This Summer With Security Doors

June is National Safety Month, and with the kids out of the classroom, more teenagers taking to the roadways and an increase in pool parties, water sports and other inherently dangerous activities undoubtedly on the horizon, it’s easy to understand why.

The summer season is also among the busiest in terms of travel, so it’s a good idea to take a good, hard look at your own home security and see whether it’s up to the task of keeping intruders out in your absence.

Stand Strong Against Unwanted Entry

Many home intruders choose to enter homes through the garage, but they’ll also enter any area they can with minimal effort, including the front and back doors. Adding an iron security door is a great way to keep potential intruders at bay, and here’s why.

1. A security door offers an extra layer of protection for your home and makes it take that much longer for a potential thief to gain access.
2. There’s a reason the term “ironclad” is used to indicate something being unbreakable. If a burglar has a choice between trying to access a home through your iron security door or your neighbor’s screen one, you can bet which one he or she will target.
3. Security doors offer extra protection for older kids and teens who may be home alone during the summer, as they establish a barrier between them and anyone who comes knocking while parents are working or enjoying leisure time.

In simpler terms, security doors are a great way to enhance safety for you and everyone in your home, and as an added bonus, they give your home some serious curb appeal at the same time.


First Impression Custom Iron Security Door

Additional Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe Through Summer Travel

While installing top-quality security doors is a great first step when it comes to keeping your home free from unwanted intruders while you travel, taking these additional precautions will only enhance your chances of a safe, enjoyable summer free from unwanted stress and expense. When traveling, be sure to:

  • Avoid advertising your absence prior to and during your trip. While it’s tempting to share photos and stories of your on-the-road adventures with your social media contacts, it’s wise to ask yourself how well you really know these folks who have the potential to track your every move. Additionally, if you post this information publicly, you have no control over how far and wide that information will go.
  • Keep your yard up to snuff. Long grass and an unkempt lawn are dead giveaways that you haven’t been around in a while. If you can’t get the jobs done yourself, hire someone to handle them for you in your absence.
  • Stop mail and newspaper delivery. This might seem like an obvious step for some, but you might be surprised by how many folks forget and let this stuff pile up in their absence, essentially screaming, “We’re not home!” to potential intruders.
  • Stop mail and newspaper delivery. This might seem like an obvious step for some, but you might be surprised by how many folks forget and let newspapers pile up on the driveway.

So, this summer, utilize these tips and see that your family and belongings stay safe and secure all season – regardless of whether you’re at home, or on the road.